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Top 15 Tourist Attractions in France

Tourist Attractions in France
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France is one of the most visited countries in the world which developed its infrastructure and excellent opportunities for recreation. The main attractions here are architectural monuments, natural beauty, museum collections, and Gastronomic delights that are stored in a huge number of world masterpieces. Here are the Top 15 Tourist Attractions in France.

Tourist Attractions in France

Paris is known as one of the most romantic cities in the whole world. The city beauty will always stand apart or tourists that are trying to visit this capital are the first place. Newlyweds dream couple is spending their honeymoon here. The couples with children show kids to the wonderful world of Disneyland Paris. The second item here in the travel program is castles and palaces scattered throughout the country’s natural beauties of Normandy and Provence.

15. Sainte-Chapelle

Tourist Attractions in France

This chapel was built on the island of Cite in Paris. Although this chapel building that’s belongs to the Gothic style it was “light” and “airy”. It’s all about the stained glass window shimmering in the sun and rising almost to the entire height of walls. They depict several characters. To understand them you will need to use a TV screen installed in the Saint-Chapelle. The painted columns supported the arches of the upper chapel.

14. Orsay Museum

Tourist Attractions in France

In the past, the museum was building served as a Paris train station. At first, this station was closed, the premises were mothballed and later its reconstruction took place. One of the most impressive collections here is a fine art in the world that became available for inspection in 1987. The halls and levels of exhibits are distributed taking into account chronology and style. The funds are dominated by paintings of impressionists and post-impressionists.

13. Corsica

Tourist Attractions in France

This autonomous French territory was occupying the island of the same name as in the Mediterranean sea. Representatives of several peoples are lived in these territories at different times. therefore a special language dialect was had also appeared here. The natural beauty is one of the main wealth of this area. Forests, Bays, mountains, and beaches are all along across explored a tourist but it looked as if untouched by the man. The most famous Corsican is Napoleon Bonaparte.

12. Colmar City

Tourist Attractions in France

Colmar is the most beautiful city in Alsace and old areas are being well preserved. At the first visit, it seemed that he was is in the scenery of the starring of fairy tales. Fishing Quarter and Little Venice are the most interesting parts of the city. The climate of Colmar contributed to development winemaking. The six museums were also open that are including in a Unterlinden Museum. Almost every month of the year there is a major festival.

11. Etretat Cliffs

Tourist Attractions in France

The name “Etretat” was translated as “the farm of setting sun”. Such a poetic name is in a compartment with an unusual appearance of rocks that has always attracted travelers. Noble people will be rested here writers and artists drew inspiration. The cliffs were rises of eleventh meters, there is also a snow-white and have bizarre shapes. That has several natural arches.

10. Strasbourg Old Town

Tourist Attractions in France

The picturesque and Romantic quarter of Strasbourg was inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list. In distant the 16 century, Artisans and fishermen settled here and engaged in the leather of dressing, because of which an unpleasant smell rooted in the streets. Now the “Little France” has turned into an exquisite historical area with half-timbered houses, quiet alleys, covered bridges across lie river, and balconies that are buried in a flower.

9. Annecy

Tourist Attractions in France

It is one of the most beautiful alpine lakes in France, Which is located on the North Savoy. The size of France is second only to the lake is Lac du Bourget. This area is popular with its tourist. Rental water bikes, Boat trips, rides on beaches are available and also several water activities are available. From the south the valley has approached the lake on the other sides it is surrounded by mountains.

8. Palace of Fontainebleau

Tourist Attractions in France

Located 65km from Paris is in the department of Marne and Seine, which is surrounded by a huge park. Since 1980 it was under the protection of UNESCO. The history of this palace was begun in the 12th century but only 5 centuries later it was acquired with its majestic features and current refined. In architecture, you can also the elements of classics, medieval style, and renaissance. There are also four French monarchs who were born in this palace.

7. Pont du Gard

Tourist Attractions in France

This is one of the highest surviving ancient aqueducts. It was built by Romans about two thousand years ago. The tree tier was an arched structure that crosses the Gardon River. The height of 50 meters and the length is about 278 meters. The bridge was used as an integral part of the water supply and helped to provide water nearby Nim. When they need it for disappeared and the aqueduct was abandoned.

6. Carcassonne

Tourist Attractions in France

Among the historical sights, this medieval walled city is for many years that holds it’s second place in France in terms of attendance. The impressive thickness of walls is surrounded not only by a castle but also have several buildings inside this fortress itself. Small houses and narrow streets are hidden behind the towers. That is still be used for their intended purpose.

5. Dune of Pilat

Tourist Attractions in France

One of the highest dunes in the whole of Europe that adds up to a year from year to year. At the present time, the height of this dune was exceeded by 135meters. The sand anomaly was located on the shore of the Gulf of Arcachon. There is also a tourist infrastructure that has been created around the mountains that make it climbs safer and more comfortable. Small hotels, parking, cafes serving fresh oysters, and souvenir shops are all within a walking distance.

4. Palais des Papes

Tourist Attractions in France

This is another French site that is inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list. The complex was consists of two palaces. The first is old that is erected by the order of Benedict XII and it is more ascetic. The second was new which is built in the gothic style of Clement VII and has extravagant features. Powerful external walls that had to withstand a siege. They made gateways and loopholes to attack the attackers.45

3. Mont Saint-Michel

Tourist Attractions in France

Translation of its name is “Mount St. Michael”. The construction of it was dated to the 11th century. It is a fortified abbey that stands on the island of the same name. The castle was itself rises in the central part along its perimeter, Trees, dense building, and wild shrubs. The walls of the saint were very strong and more of like a fort. Depending on the season the area was around can be completely covered with water. Sometimes it was even in floods to a road leading to Mont Saint Michel.

2. Palace of Versailles

Tourist Attractions in France

This royal residence was built on the outskirts of French capitals in the second half of the 17th century. This attraction was also one of the first on the UNESCO world heritage list. The halls of the palace were kept in exemplary condition. Furniture and finishing are corresponding to its past as eras. No less than a castle of tourists are interested in an extensive park complex is about 1450 fountains function on its territory.

1. Eiffel Tower

Tourist Attractions in France

Eiffel tower is one of the main symbols of Paris and all of France. It s name was after the creator. It was built in 1899 to use as an entrance of the arch at the World Exhibition. Subsequently, its structure was planned to be dismantled but the attraction took a root. The main material of the tower is steel of height is 325 Meters. Anyone can visit this tower. In the evenings the backlight was turns on and its color will change for significant events.

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