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Top 11 Tourist Attractions in Azerbaijan

Tourist Attractions in Azerbaijan
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Azerbaijan is a colorful and vibrant country. Where Asian and European cultures are closely intertwined. It is a prosperous, modern state thats is careful preserves its history and value. There are hundreds of historical sights are located throughout this country ancient cities, fortresses, mosques, and palaces are preserved from the times of most powerful people. Azerbaijani resort area on the coast of the Caspian sea is excellent health resorts. Where every tourist can improve their health, take sunbathe and fully relax on well-maintained beaches. Fans from all over the world of picturesque landscapes are attracted to this country by its natural beauty of Azerbaijan. Here is also a peak of Greater and Lesser Caucasus ranges pierce the sky, in Gobustan nature reserve mud volcanos, are beat from the ground. The lake Geigel sparkles with a smooth surface.

Tourist Attractions in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan,

There are 9 out of 11 climatic zones of this planet that are represented by subtropics. Where palms, banana grow to this alpine zones with a sharply continental climate. The best time for the travel to visit Azerbaijan is from March to October. In spring nature blooms with bright colors. Since in May the water of the Caspian sea is warmed up to a comfortable temperature. The beginning of autumn is one of the best times for excursions and trips. In Azerbaijan, tourists will find themselves into a real fruit paradise. In this country, you can also eat plenty of delicious apricots, watermelons, pomegranates, and sweet grapes. Here is an overview of the top 11 Tourist Attractions in Azerbaijan.

11. Caspian Sea Resorts

Caspian Sea Resorts

This is a well-maintained coast of the Capsian sea thats has a high-quality beach holiday. In Baku, Lankaran, Nabran, and Kachmas is a place where tourists will find everything that is tourists need a comfortable vacation of hotels, developed infrastructure, excellent cuisine with a high level of service and almost all of the world chains. Water in the Caspian sea is warmed up to the +25 in May and the swimming season is until the end of October.

10. Heydar Aliyev Centre

Heydar Aliyev Centre

It is a modern futuristic building with congress centers, exhibition galleries, museums, and offices thats are demonstrating the achievement of Azerbaijani culture. This building has received an award in 2014 fo the world’s best building design. This Heydar Aliyev center was established in 2006 fo the development of great Azerbaijani culture, traditions, history, language, and customs.

9. Azerbaijan Carpet Museum

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum
The Museum expositions are mainly devoted to this art of carpet weaving. There are various schools and eras that are represented as a collection that contains several instances of historical values. It is one of the oldest exhibits which is a fragment of carpet woven in the 17th century by the representatives of Ovchulug school. In addition to this carpet, the museums have a collection of national costumes, gold, Jewelry, Bronze, silver and ceramic dishes.

8. Palace of Happiness

This building was in Venetian style that was erected at the most expensive of millionaire and oil industrialist of early in the 20th century of Murtuza Mukhtarov. After the full honey, one trip of Europe this wife is very impressed with a European architecture especially of this flying Venetian Palazzos. Immediately Mukhtarov was decided to build a palace for his beloved wife with the European Manners for which he hired an architect of Plosko.

7. Ateshgah of Baku

Ateshgah of Baku
One of the quite exotic attractions of Azerbaijan. This temple was erected in the 18th century by the forces of the Hindu community. Whose representatives called themselves skis. The building was built on the famous site of the ancient Zoroastrian sanctuary. Where all of these before the adoption of Islam they are worshiped of sun or fire and performed mystical rituals. The last representatives of the Zoroastrianism were left only in India but their descendants were returned centuries of later and built again a new sanctuary temple of the fire worshipers of Ateshgah.

6. Palace of Shaki Khans

Palace of Shaki Khans
This is a beautiful two-story building with rich of his exterior and interior decoration. This palace was built in the XVIII century as a residence of Husayn Khan Mustad. The front of this palace was beautifully executed scenes of war and hunting framed by intricate floral and geometric ornaments. The stained glass windows which are consisting of several thousands of pieces of glass as decorated with delicate lattices which are made of stones.

5. Palace of Shirvanshahs

Palace of Shirvanshahs
It is a palace thats is an ensemble of 14th century. Where the rulers of Shirvan are lived. When they erecting most of its buildings. Absheron limestone was used to which is eventually acquired a beautiful golden nut shade. On this territory of complex thats is located complex royal tomb, the palace mosque, the country yard of Divan Hane and the mausoleum of Scientist Syed Yahya Bakuvi.

4. Old City Baku

Old City Baku
One of the most ancient residential quarter of Baku. Thats is surrounded by the well-preserved fortress walls. In all of this area, people are lived here since the bronze age. Even now people are lived in houses most of this which are hundreds and thousands of years ago. In the middle of the stone streets of Icheri Sheher, Time seemed to stop here course. Here you can fully feel the color and atmosphere of this country.

3. Maiden Tower Baku

Maiden Tower Baku
This is a mysterious building on this territory of ancient Baku fortress Icheri Sheher. This tower is also considered to be a symbol of the city and a unique object of an example of Azerbaijani architecture. Which has no analogs in this region. There are a version thats is initially on this territory thats was located in the ancient Zoroastrian temple, where all the people of worship the fire and sun.

2. Gobustan National Park

Gobustan National Park
This reserve was located in the west of Gobustan which is about 45 miles away from the southwest Baku. This park was established in 1965. This reserve was also a UNESCO world heritage site. Here is one of the most famous mud volcanoes thats is beating from ground mixed with oil and water. As well as a cave of paintings preserved from the prehistoric era of demonstrating the beliefs and everyday life of primitive people. At the foot of Beyukdash mountain the inscriptions of Roman legionnaires. Who visited also here in the 1st century that has been preserved.

1. Flame Tower

Flame Tower

This is a modern architectural complex thats is a symbol of the prosperous and new Azerbaijan. These buildings are huge glass skyscrapers in the form of flames thats is aimed at the sky. In the evening the facade lights up imitating a blazing fire. Flaming towers are visible from almost anywhere in the Baku. The visitors of the capitals are delighted with the contemplation of the game of colors on these glass surface towers. Therefore it is one of the Top Tourist Attractions in Azerbaijan.

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